Recent content by pnwsculler

  1. pnwsculler

    New from Oregon

    Hey there, yes that’s how it goes. my season was decent; had more good days than slow ones. I’m on the west side and there’s sheet-water everywhere and the ducks are pretty spread out. I’ve got work and family commitments the next few weekends so I think my season is pretty much over
  2. pnwsculler

    2022-2023 Waterfowl Pics Thread

    I see the Sears Tower now, had to look for it (y)
  3. pnwsculler

    2022-2023 Waterfowl Pics Thread

    Interesting. The mallard on the right looks like some kind of hybrid? “City Duck” seems appropriate. Let us know how they taste
  4. pnwsculler

    2022-2023 Waterfowl Pics Thread

    Those look really good. I assume you are going to cook them in a smoker or BBQ. Any tips on how to keep the grease from causing flare ups and scorching the meat?
  5. pnwsculler

    2022-2023 Waterfowl Pics Thread

    These teal were the best damn ducks I’ve ever had
  6. pnwsculler

    New from Oregon

    Looks like it was a beautiful day Good start to the season for sure
  7. pnwsculler

    New from Oregon

    I had a very good hunt last weekend. Plan to go out again Sunday. Sounds like you're hunting season is off to an excellent start! Let us know how you do duck hunting
  8. pnwsculler

    2022-2023 Waterfowl Pics Thread

    Nice decoys, did you make them?
  9. pnwsculler

    2022-2023 Waterfowl Pics Thread

    Here’s my contribution. . . Got one more for a limit after I took the photo. I only heard a few other shots from other hunters the whole day. People on the forums were saying it was too hot to hunt. I thought the weather was perfect!
  10. pnwsculler

    Chest Waders for Waterfowl

    Cabelas have always worked for me. I've tried on different brands, but none were very comfortable. Been hunting with Cabelas gear for 15 years with no issues other than normal wear and tear. I bought my first pair of waders before they merged with Bass Pro. My second pair I bought a few years...
  11. pnwsculler

    First season for Ruby and Matt

    Looks like it was a beautiful day and a lot of fun for you and Ruby to be out there. Now you know where to look for pheasants when the season opens!
  12. pnwsculler

    2022 First Birds

    Great pic! Well done
  13. pnwsculler

    Grouse! Let’s See Them

    All great pictures! Thank you all for sharing your passion for bird hunting, especially the grouse species. There is something special about being in the woods in September with an old timey gun hunting for those feathered blue and ruffed dwellers of the forest.
  14. pnwsculler

    New from Oregon

    I prefer teal also, but not over mallards. Did the mallards taste fishy? I’ve heard Wickiup and Crane Prairie have good hunting at times
  15. pnwsculler

    Canada Goose season September 3rd?

    No qualms about shooting geese during the early season. I just associate waterfowl hunting with the fall - colorful foliage, cloudy skies, and warm clothing as well as shorter days and the coming of winter. In Oregon the September goose season starts around the second week of the month and I...

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