Recent content by Mr. Fishunt

  1. Mr. Fishunt

    Bear Grease Removal from Backpack

    All, I was fortunate to kill a Montana black bear this fall. My backpack, a Mystery Ranch Metcalf, was soaked with bear grease from the pack out. Do any of you have any personal experience recommendations on the best way to remove this from the backpack? Right now, it smells like lard. It...
  2. Mr. Fishunt

    First elk!

  3. Mr. Fishunt

    First Elk hunt and it was a success! (Long post)

  4. Mr. Fishunt

    Elk meat still good?

    While a resident in Georgia, I gut shot a P & Y whitetail with my bow at about 10:00 AM. It was an 80 degree day. There was no blood trail and I backed out for four hours. I ended up bringing in a tracking dog (legal in Georgia) and we found the deer at 10:30 PM. There was some uncertainty if...
  5. Mr. Fishunt

    Paw licking?

    Our dog does this and is allergic to certain grasses in Montana. The best preventative measure for us was to rinse the dogs paws in water every time we bring her in from long walks outside in natural areas. It is a hassle, however, it rally makes a difference. She is only 25 lbs, so it is a...
  6. Mr. Fishunt

    Where should I move to in MT?

    Steve, See the attached link to my Relocating to Montana: Good luck and if you are ever in Helena.... Regards, Mr. Fishunt
  7. Mr. Fishunt

    Do you need an super duper magnum for elk?

    I've shot two 100 lb plus whitetails with a .357 at less than 30 yards. 158 grain, jacketed hollow point muzzle energy: 763 ft lbs 100 yards: 504 ft lbs Double lunged both animals. I was not impressed with the blood trail or the, seemingly, lack of kinetic energy transferred to the animal. A...
  8. Mr. Fishunt

    Crispi Boot Stretching

    All, This may have been posted before, however, what I am looking for is CURRENT information. I bought a pair of uninsulated Crispi Guide boots and after wearing them on a 7 mile mountain hike, I determined the toe box is too narrow when going down hill. The fit seemed perfect in the store and...
  9. Mr. Fishunt

    Possible Relocation to Montana!

    Yes, it takes 6 months to establish residency!!! I am going to fly fish in the fall and scout for elk and deer. Hopefully, I can still take part in the last week or two of archery season as a resident! I'm leaving behind 30 years of free range Georgia whitetail experience and trading it it...
  10. Mr. Fishunt

    Heartworms in Dogs in Montana

    I have read conflicting viewpoints on whether to treat dogs for heartworms in Montana. Please provide your opinion, educated or otherwise, on whether we should provide preventative treatment for our 9 year old, healthy, dog in Helena, MT. Regards, Mr. Fishunt
  11. Mr. Fishunt

    Possible Relocation to Montana!

    All, Thanks for your comments and feedback! We have chosen Helena as our new home! We are most likely closing on a house on April 1. I am looking forward to this new chapter in our life and am excited for the new outdoor pursuits that will be available. Regards, Mr. Fishunt
  12. Mr. Fishunt

    Possible Relocation to Montana!

    All, This is my first post with, hopefully, many to follow. Greetings from Georgia! I have the opportunity to move to Montana and continue with my same career path. I do two annual backpacking trips in the Rocky's each year and can't get enough of the mountains! My territory will be from...