devon deer's latest activity

  • devon deer
    devon deer replied to the thread Fly Tying/Fishing Thread.
    First Sea Trout for me in 2024, they are late arriving this year 1'' copper dart tube fly taken at 23.00 hours on the river Teign SW...
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  • devon deer
    devon deer reacted to Dave N's post in the thread Any car salesmen here? with Wow Wow.
    It was an inherited title question for my wife’s Explorer I got in her will. I asked my local dealer about it and with all of the hassle...
  • devon deer
    devon deer reacted to Sawtooth's post in the thread Favorite Stillwater Flies? with Like Like.
    If the damselfly are active, a damselfly nymph stripped slow or and adult pattern on the surface can draw some vicious strikes...
  • devon deer
    devon deer replied to the thread Favorite Stillwater Flies?.
    Damsel/Montana nymphs, buzzers, emergers, beetles, para Adams and G&H Sedge will do for me
  • devon deer
    devon deer reacted to howl's post in the thread Favorite Stillwater Flies? with Like Like.
    Wore the tee-tee bream out on this a couple days ago. They're favoring cicada colors these days . Can't help with trout. I'll generally...
  • devon deer
    devon deer reacted to Ben Lamb's post in the thread Favorite Stillwater Flies? with Like Like.
    Streamers, mohair leeches, callibaetis (mayflies), emergers of some flavor, small shrimp patterns, and a hare's ear nymph or pheasant...
  • devon deer
    devon deer reacted to JohnCushman's post in the thread Favorite Stillwater Flies? with Like Like.
    Griffith's gnats. Cast it out and let it sit. Give a little tug once in a while to keep water moving around it. Usually with a copper...
  • devon deer
    Everything dried up before it hit us here at home but I was skirting the edge going home. It sure looked nasty! Haven't heard anything...
  • devon deer
    devon deer reacted to Dave N's post in the thread Neck shots. with Haha Haha.
    Darned if I didn't forget about that one!
  • devon deer
    devon deer replied to the thread Neck shots..
    From memory you shot the roe buck with me with a neck shot?
  • devon deer
    devon deer reacted to Ben Long's post in the thread Neck shots. with Like Like.
    I've taken two elk, a 5x5 and a cow, with neck shots. First a 30-06 and the other with a 308. Both off hand. Both very close. The bull...
  • devon deer
    devon deer reacted to Dave N's post in the thread Neck shots. with Like Like.
    I've taken a few neck shots on deer. Base of the neck when they just wouldn't step out. Part of it was that 3 inch 12 gauge slug...
  • devon deer
    devon deer reacted to Forkyfinder's post in the thread Neck shots. with Like Like.
    Ive shot several sub 3" groups at 500 yards, from a bench, at the nice day at the range. Doesnt really mean i can shoot a 3" target at...
  • devon deer
    devon deer reacted to howl's post in the thread Neck shots. with Like Like.
    I wanted my kids to do neck shots when they were young so I didn't have to blood trail anything nor deal with the associated drama. I...
  • devon deer
    devon deer reacted to jejack26's post in the thread Neck shots. with Like Like.
    An argument as old as "what's the best caliber ". But for those inclined to shoot the neck it's a baseball size target vs basketball...
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