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Recent content by daltrix99

  1. daltrix99

    Options to help judge bear size?

    Judging size is hard man, even on a live bear through glass (especially if it's far!), and for me, judging sex is even harder unless it's a true big-booty Judy or a really muscular pot-belly boar. I agree with everyone on these being big fat bears. What I immediately noticed was: Fat blob...
  2. daltrix99


    Another bruin hit the ground for us! We backpacked deep into big nasty country for this one. Probably could have held out for an older boar, but this was my buddy's first bear, and a great first bear at that! Especially with the context of a true backcountry expedition.
  3. daltrix99


    Ah ok! Can do
  4. daltrix99


    Connected on a nice boar a couple of days ago. Not a giant but a good healthy size with a fantastic coat. He has a decent head on him and the most fat I've ever seen on a spring bear (win!). Pack weighed in at exactly 100lbs (including rifle) - my heaviest bear load. This was a classic...
  5. daltrix99

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    This is (kind of) how Idaho does it, with regional variation. But for example where I hunt over there, the general deer rifle season is only two weeks in October, no elk hunting until November on an LE tag. There are a lot of mule deer where we hunt but they are REALLY hard to find in mid...
  6. daltrix99

  7. daltrix99


    Yep agreed. We have some good flowers popping low, around 3500/4k feet, but the mountains aren't there yet. It's been a dry winter and spring.
  8. daltrix99


    Our snow is melted two weeks ahead of schedule here in western Montana (at least in my spots). I took this last night, and I can't usually hunt this canyon until the first week of may and it's been clear for days. Not much green - some scattered glacier lillies and buds. I think the next ten...
  9. daltrix99

    Bitterroot Mule Deer 261/270

    I have a photo but it's not mine to share, and the info I provided is as specific as I'll be. The best way to address access nerves is scouting my friend! Learn the unit well, put boots on the ground all summer and fall, do the tag justice.
  10. daltrix99

    Bitterroot Mule Deer 261/270

    Dude what a draw - looking at gohunt you had less than 1% odds??? Should be a great hunt, buddy of mine shot a really nice buck in there on public a few years ago. The biggest bucks down there are usually killed on private, but with effort you can find mature bucks cruising the public land in...
  11. daltrix99

    Taxidermist Nightmare - need serious advice

    I agree and have no issue telling all now. I was hesitant at first just out of internet privacy concerns, and then while I was talking to lawyers I wanted to keep things private. Also, I was told by FWP Justin has been under investigation by FWP (may still be, idk).
  12. daltrix99

    Taxidermist Nightmare - need serious advice

    Sorry to hear it. I can't remember how much I've updated here, but Justin Sabol finally confessed last year that my bear hide is long gone. He had a BS story, who knows how or why it disappeared. I have four years of texts and voicemails from him lying to me about the hide, and I showed up to...
  13. daltrix99

    Howdy from NW MT

    Welcome! Love NW MT. Make sure you can properly identify Sasquatch before pulling the trigger during Spring Black Bear season.
  14. daltrix99

    OnX going away?

    This is common market research tactics on the competitive landscape.
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