Recent content by Dale_P

  1. Dale_P

    25-06 owners

    I have a Howa 1500 in 25-06. I've had good luck with Hornady Whitetail 117gr.
  2. Dale_P

    Cheek Risers

    I made one with built up layers of sticky foam board, covered by a walmart knit knee brace. Pretty comfortable and has held up so far.
  3. Dale_P

    Poll: Do-it-all freezer fillin' rifle

    I voted for .300wm. I don't recall if anyone else said it...but I'd hate to only have 1 rifle! When I lived in Texas I got a windfall and felt compelled to buy "one rifle for all things Texas." I wound up with a sweet deal on a Howa 1500 in .25-06. I moved to MT and heard various theories on Elk...
  4. Dale_P

    Non-resident outfitter license (MT) Bill is up for hearing 2/2/2021 (SB 143)

    I sent an email to all on the committee petitioning them to make a bi-partisan effort to squash this in the interest of Montanan's collectively, vs favoring a special interest group. I agree that it'll be interesting to see the outcome of our efforts.
  5. Dale_P

    NRA Bankruptcy/Restructuring

    It does seem to beg the question that if you are filing Ch 11, why are you not making changes?? I'm not well-versed in the NRA's operations, but what do ya'll think they need to change?
  6. Dale_P

    Where should I move to in MT?

    Got transferred up here from Texas in 2019. Love Montana for the hunting/fishing. I live east of Rock Creek, near Missoula. Missoula's definitely a mix; leans heavily toward the liberal. However, 2 hospitals and a lot of growth in health and tech. COVID kicked my company in the teeth and we...