Campfire Stories


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2021
After watching the BHA campfire stories that were published about a month ago I just had to say how inspirational Randy’s story was. I always enjoy watching and laughing at some of these hilarious stories, but this particular story wasn’t one of those.

Being that I’m a relatively new hunter I’ve seen it a lot… the “there’s no room” mentality. After now maybe 5 years of consistently hunting, I also have had moments of frustration with the increased pressure and crowding, with the tubers while I fish, and the rigs at the trailhead. But @Big Fin really put it in perspective for me in his story. I’m so incredibly thankful for the people in my life like his English teacher, (Reese?) that made sure I got to experience something other than the urban struggle of gangs and drugs that I thought was normal, growing up near Oakland, CA… like you said, I don’t know if it’s good luck, divine intervention or what I can call it but simply, a blessing. It changed my life, and gave me something healthy and positive…

Following Randy’s story on YouTube was that of Land Tawney’s. Both gentleman exude friendliness and inclusiveness. we must not look at each other as “competitors” of one another but instead, companions. If I wear a flat brim and you wear suspenders that doesn’t make us rivals. If you are floating the River and I’m fishing it, we are not enemies. If you have been hunting all your life or just started, we ALL have gentleman like Newburg, Tawney, Mr Posewitz and many many many others to thank for our privileges.

When you’re fishing this summer or in the field this fall, don’t forget we need each other. The man or woman that beat you to the trailhead may be the next great conservationist of our time. Spread kindness.

It makes me smile when my kids see you on TV and exclaim, “We know him!”
Thank you for your dedication, positivity and inclusive friendly nature, Randy.
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