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  1. Bigbuckkiller

    My 2013-14 season

    Hmm seems like most of my pictures didn't upload.
  2. Bigbuckkiller

    My 2013-14 season

    Well this year has been the worst as for harvesting animals for me. I've seen plenty of amazing places and had new experiences which is what it's all about. I held two elk tags and went to Missouri to chase whitetails and turkey's and just so happens that it was a full moon while I'm out there...
  3. Bigbuckkiller

    The B.A.D.A.S.S is underway

    I haven't got an email either! Ahhh I would love a new bow!!
  4. Bigbuckkiller

    School Paper.... Again

    Well since it worked really well last time I decided I would try it again. I have to write another story for my school news paper. This time I have to write about the whole situation with North Korea.. If you would be willing to answer a few questions about them please PM me... Thanks!
  5. Bigbuckkiller

    Successful 2012 DIY WY Antelope Video

    Awesome! The only thing that I would say is maybe cut the music off right before the shot... Thanks for a good watch though!
  6. Bigbuckkiller

    Elk Recipes

    Hi all.. With a nice cow on the ground and meat in the frezzer i need some new recipes.. Any recipes are helpful.. Im willing to try new stuff.. Thanks..
  7. Bigbuckkiller

    School Paper

    Hi I'm writing a story for my school newspaper.. If anyone would be willing to answer a few questions please PM me. I would prefer somebody with 10+ years hunting. Thank You.
  8. Bigbuckkiller

    Finnaly got one...

    They where pretty good until my big dumb dog found them on my night stand.....:(
  9. Bigbuckkiller

    Finnaly got one...

    Drove on to some some public up on the Grand Mesa and spotted this girl. Made a short stalk and took the shot at 250 yrds and hit a tad low and a tad far back but as she was quartering away and was up hill it turned out to be a good shot.. Got to about a 100 yrds and saw her looking at me.... I...
  10. Bigbuckkiller

    2nd Day of Late Season

    Today was a terrible day.. We got into 0 Elk:( My little Brother is a little down since we have to head back to Junction tomarrow. Im hoping we might catch a couple cows on public as we make the drive home ( I have a few spots to hit;) ) We still have a few areas we can hunt until the end of...
  11. Bigbuckkiller

    Pretty Cool Video
  12. Bigbuckkiller

    Mountain Lion Scream

    Oh haha i see now sorry guys... I get it. I was a little confused but now i got it
  13. Bigbuckkiller

    Mountain Lion Scream

    Im sorry I'm 15 and never heard a mountain lion nor am i a mountain lion expert.. We where out and we heard something and my uncle said it was a mountain lion it was a wierd noise and far off and I didnt know what a mountain lion sounds like and still dont i guess.. Im sorry that I posted this I...
  14. Bigbuckkiller

    Mountain Lion Scream

    Well then my Uncle lied to me
  15. Bigbuckkiller

    Mountain Lion Scream

    Was out about a week ago and I heard a Mountain Lion for the 1st time..... I have to say that is the most creepy noise I have ever heard it made the hair on my neck stand up.. For you guys what is the most creepy noise you have heard out of an animal?
  16. Bigbuckkiller

    1st Day of Late Season

    Today me and my brother got into some Elk the only problem was that there was a fence between us :( They never did cross onto the public but we did have about 15 Does and 4 nice 4x4 come to within 20 yards :mad: There were a few good bulls in the bunch but they'll be safe till next year as we...
  17. Bigbuckkiller

    Late Season Youth Elk Hunt

    Heading out with my little brother tommarrow to try to get his first ever elk and first animal and my third elk. We are here in Craig Colorado with A LOT if snow. Hoping the elk will be down lower with this much snow ;) Hoping to get a couple of nice cows down for the count.. Ill post after the...
  18. Bigbuckkiller

    Missouri 2013 Whitetail

    Im headed to Missouri next year for my first whitetail hunt with my uncle.. I have never hunted whitetail and never hunted from a tree stand... Im really pumped he has a big buck crossing his property and i want him to kill it but a part of me hopes hes still there for me next year! But if...
  19. Bigbuckkiller

    Wolverine trapping season haulted

    Got one with the car on the way to school the other day here in CO.
  20. Bigbuckkiller

    Elk/Mule deer hunt

    Drove through there about a week ago and saw a 6x6 bull and then a huge non typical buck.... I hunt the craig area but i see lots if deer and elk around there and some real monsters..