Search results

  1. E

    WY unit 72

    A buddy and I are taking our wives on their first antelope hunt this year in unit 72. I have hunted antelope a handful of times, but never been to this part of the state. We will be driving out from Missouri and tent camping on BLM ground and hunting the opener on 9/15. Do any of you have some...
  2. E

    Montana antelope in November?

    A buddy and I are heading out to Montana from Missouri at the end of this month, planning on being there Halloween morning. We both have general deer tags and I have a region 7 antelope tag. We are going to hunt the southeast corner the first couple days, hoping to fill my antelope tag quickly...
  3. E

    Montana deer and pronghorn combo

    A buddy and I drew general deer tags and are planning on driving out from Missouri and hunting the first week of November, up to 10 days. I am wanting to apply for an antelope tag as well and am wondering if I could get a little advice. I'm currently looking at areas outside of Glasgow. Our...