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  1. F

    Ithacas "MAN"

    Hey Ithica you still think dipshit Dean is going to be the next president? I am more confident than ever that he is a complete loser. I am voting for Bush and so is everyone else I know, you still have time to change your mind if you pull your head out of your ass pretty quick...
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    Nasty stuff on Salmon

    I never eat store bought fish but thought this was worth sharing. Health - Reuters Farmed Salmon Heavy in Chemicals, Group Says Wed Jul 30, 1:13 PM ET Add Health - Reuters to My Yahoo! By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Correspondent WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Farmed salmon, which...
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    "Pathetic Hunters" Inside the mind of a PETA freak!!

    A while back I registered for the PETA2 message board to troll around and have been able to not offend them enough to ban me. They think I am vegetarian but my family including my wife are barbaric meat eating rednecks. somehow it amuses me to mess with those simple minded fools. Anyway I...
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    AZ Draw Results are Out

    I got more bonus points Bighorn Sheep-Not Drawn Antelope-Not Drawn Deer-Not Drawn Elk-Not Drawn Turkey-Not Drawn So anyone have any recomendations on antelope or whitetail hunts? I think I may go the landowner tag route if I can still find one in NM... I need to kill some chit!!
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    Texas Dall and Goat Pics

    Wes and I got these critters last weekend. I thought it was a fun hunt, it was my first "penned hunt" "canned hunt" or whatever the nay sayers want to call it. Kiss my ass 280. Well it was about a 2000 acre pen consisting of a bunch of steep ass ravines and ridges some so steep the sheep can...
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    They just want a better life, lets not worry about it

    CAVE CREEK – On Monday, Cave Creek Town Marshal Adam Stein observed about nine men clustered together, obstructing the entrance to the Hideaway Grill at 6746 E. Cave Creek Road. By the time he completed a U-turn to pull over and speak to them, six of the men had fled. Stein commanded the...
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    Wes' 2003 archery desert mule deer

    Here is my buddy wes with his archery buck from last month. I passed on this buck opening day, and did not see him again until Wes shot him 3 weeks later in an area about 2 miles from where I saw him.
  8. F

    More Yotes Bite the Dust

    Here are some yotes I got over the last couple weeks or so. I would have more but I keep trying to get these little fuggers with my bow and end up wasting opportunities where I could have connected easily with my shotgun, but miss or fail to get off a shot woth my bow. All I got with my bow so...
  9. F

    Archery Varmints

    Anyone here consistently kill chit varmint calling with a bow? A while back I tried a couple times with a handcall and never even got a shot. I have been seeing coyotes in the washes and desert adjacent to my house all the time recently so I decided to try and take a couple. It is too close to...
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    Thoughts of the Wise

    1. Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone. 2. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and a leaky tire. 3. It's always darkest before dawn. So if...
  11. F

    True meaning of rejection lines

    Top 10 Rejection Lines Given By Women (and what they mean) 10. I think of you as a brother. (You remind me of that inbred banjo-playing geek in "Deliverance.") 9. There's a slight difference in our ages. (I don't want to do my dad.) 8. I'm not attracted to you in 'that' way. (You are the...
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    AZ Guys any info on 34b?

    I am taking a 15 year old kid up to do some javelina hunting in 34b during the HAM season. The kids dad doesn’t hunt but the kid is way into it, mostly because he grew up watching his older 1/2 brother and me hunt all the time... The kid drew a tag with his neighbor and now the guy wants him to...
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    2003 archery javelina

    Shot my pig Sunday 1/12. Here he is.
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    Arrowed a javelina yesterday

    Here are some pics and the story... On Sunday morning we pulled up to the end of the road where we would be parking the truck around 6:45 am just before light. About a mile into the hike my partner and I found some caves in a steep wash that were full of pig hair and the soft dust in...
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    Couple dead yotes

    Here are two of the 30 or so yotes that I have shot this year. I usually varmint call alone so dont have pics of most of my kills.
  16. F

    Some fishin pics

    I finally got a hosting service so can post pics now. Here are a couple from this year. Lake Pleasant striper caught on Zara Spook. This bass won me 2nd place for $275 in the wednesday night big bass tourney at Pleasant in august. He was just over 5 pounds caught on a carolina rig 10 inch...
  17. F

    2002 Javelina Pics

    Finally getting around to posting some pics. Here are some archery Javelina my buddy Wes and I shot this January. Not much of a story on these guys. In AZ archery deer and archery javelina both run the full month of January. We pretty much just hunt deer and wait until we stumble upon some pigs...
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    A Couple Archery Desert Muleys

    I posted these on the congrats thread but it takes so long for that page to load I figured Id post them here as well. I cant resize the pics they look teeny on my PC so if anyone feels like fixing them thats cool! Here is my archery buck from last december Mine on the wall Here is...
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    Couple Yotes

    Fooled these guys with a cottontail distress handcall. My buddy wes with an archery combo deer and bobcat. Not too bad for a 3 hour hunt after work. <FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-16-2002 16:14: Message edited by: FEW ]</font>
  20. F

    2002 archery desert rats AKA Javelina

    This camera was fugged up these werent shot in 94 it was this January. Here is my 2002 archery Javelina. My buddy Wes with his 2002 archery Javelina <FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-16-2002 16:08: Message edited by: FEW ]</font>
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