PEAX Equipment

Recent content by shines@times

  1. shines@times

    WTB 416 Taylor dies

    Hey Hank, I don't have such dies, but I just wanted to let you know in a reply to your latest post that I sent you a DM a few minutes ago.
  2. shines@times

    History Found In the Field

    I missed seeing the Kool-Aid pitcher guy the first time, but I see now that you mention!
  3. shines@times

    History Found In the Field

    I have seen some of those routes drawn and labeled on vintage maps, both here on Olympic Peninsula in WA where I am presently living and in the same township as property I own in MT. I never realized that they were officially designated trails marked by the Forest Service. You've provided some...
  4. shines@times

    History Found In the Field

    A sheep hunter, quite likely. Perhaps hundreds of years from now, someone will find a spent 168gr Nosler that I left at similar elevation on the Beartooth plateau :p.
  5. shines@times

    History Found In the Field

    About nine or ten years after the oldest graffiti you saw was deposited on that stock tank, my father and I hiked up a slope near Twin Lakes (near Bridgeport, CA) and through some aspen grove on our route to check out a lightning-stuck snag in the conifers above. Wish I could remember the dates...
  6. shines@times

    History Found In the Field

    Hardly seems adequate if the sheep hunter in the pictograph that Theat found was average!
  7. shines@times

    History Found In the Field

    Please don't do that again -- my breath is getting too short these days to sustain such prolonged laughing without serious risk to my survival!
  8. shines@times

    Horse Femur - discovered, dated and in my library now.

    Did you drop a digit in that number? An age of 19,000 years would make sense for a Pleistocene era horse in North America. Or, are you contending that the femur supports theory that Amerindians spread horses across the North American continent long before contact with Europeans...
  9. shines@times

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    I have noticed your participation, and I hope for you, and selfishly for myself, that the thread does not fade into oblivion.
  10. shines@times

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    Wonderful way of putting it into context in my humble opinion!
  11. shines@times

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    Just goes to show that more than a handful of lovers of wild country and challenging pursuits still exist! Personally, I think that deleting this thread does them a disservice! Have any HuntTalk participants in this cat joke thread bothered themselves to ask Shawn S his opinion? If anyone is...
  12. shines@times

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    Have the outfitters relaxed their high standards?
  13. shines@times

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    I remember how that misadventure rattled kad11--was happy to see him get back on the horse. I'm still rooting hard for several who have hunted dilligently to take their first ram! Never met one of you in person, but consider most of the regulars here to be my friends, even that one guy who...
  14. shines@times

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    That is much more in line with what I had hoped the thread might inspire. I might be about the oldest fart participating here, but I sometimes suspect that I am the most naive despite my distrust of government and bureaucrats. Am trending maudlin and senile probaly. Oh well, at least I ain't...
  15. shines@times

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    You honor me sir! Please send hi-res file of you descending through a snowy burn before it disappears! (That is among the most memorable of all the images I have enjoyed on this formidable thread, both the pixel variety and the poetic!)

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