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Recent content by NoWiser

  1. NoWiser

    Because Dad did!

    Smoked oysters. Geisha preferably.
  2. NoWiser

    Quetico Lakers

    Good time and good eating. Nice work! Headed up to Canada for some lakers myself in a few days.
  3. NoWiser

    Snake gaiters or Regular gaiters in snake country

    And better yet, hunting boots. A good follow, if you’re on Facebook, is National Snakebite Support. I’ve learned a lot from it. It’s mostly useless knowledge due to where I live, but still quite interesting.
  4. NoWiser

    Snake gaiters or Regular gaiters in snake country

    About 70% of the bites in that study were from nonvenomous snakes. I wonder what the stats on bite location would have been if they separated it by venomous vs non venomous?
  5. NoWiser

    Snake gaiters or Regular gaiters in snake country It may have been a stretch for me to say the VAST majority of snakebites occur on the lower body, but in this study of 450 snake bites in North America, the majority definitely were. There’s a lot of interesting information in it. That said...
  6. NoWiser

    Snake gaiters or Regular gaiters in snake country

    I’ve read studies that basically say the opposite. I’ll see if I can dig them up.
  7. NoWiser

    Snake gaiters or Regular gaiters in snake country

    The whole upper body thing is a myth. Most snakebite’s are when people inadvertently step on or near one.
  8. NoWiser

    2024 Utah Draw Results

    No luck here.
  9. NoWiser

    2024 Turkey Season!

    My season opened yesterday. I couldn’t take off work, but after an early dinner I told the kids to grab their stuff, we’re going turkey hunting. An hour in we saw two toms come over a hill a few hundred yards away. It took a half hour of calling but they eventually made it to our decoys and only...
  10. NoWiser

    2024 Garden!

    Seeing the first signs of life from the asparagus crowns I planted a few weeks ago. Now I just need to be patient for a couple more years. After checking in the garden we ate a quick meal and I told the kids to throw on their tick-treated clothes, we’re going turkey hunting. I popped up the...
  11. NoWiser

    2024 Garden!

    My daughter and I got most of ours in on Sunday. We still need to do beets, peppers, tomatoes, and watermelon as things warm up. Sweet corn rows will be staggered 10 days apart. A major bonus is that morels have been popping up all around the garden. Enough for a few feasts.
  12. NoWiser

    2024 Garden!

    Planted asparagus crowns a few weeks ago. I’m crossing my fingers for those but not getting my hopes up. I was hoping to do a prescribed burn tonight but it looks like I’ll be short on help so I think it’ll be time for my daughter and I to get some seeds in the ground in our garden. I have...
  13. NoWiser

    Tinder/Hinge/dating apps in general

    I married a horse girl. She’s none of those things but, nevertheless, your warning should be heeded. After working all day today, I get to go home and haul horse crap. Next weekend I get to spend the equivalent of a NR elk tag on hay. I get to load it on a trailer, haul it, unload it, and stack...
  14. NoWiser

    2024 New Mexico Draw Results

    This year marks a decade of all red. On to Utah. Maybe they’ll be more generous.
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