Yeti GOBOX Collection

Recent content by JAB85

  1. J

    Buying binos sucks

    I got maven 11x45 and their big and small spotters. Doublers for all as well. They are great. Lots of guys around here have looked thru them and pretty soon they have a set too. Can’t beat their service and warranty.
  2. J

    Credit Plunge

    Credit available vs credit used combined with length of credit, which level of card it is, how many cards you have and how often your cards report to the bureau and on and on and on but you should see an equal jump back up once your card gets reported with a 0 balance
  3. J

    Credit Plunge

    Is this what we’re doing today
  4. J

    Maven optics

    I have the 11x45 b2 and the angled spotter. Have never regretted my decision to buy maven products.
  5. J

    Oregon Draw Results

    Should have released them Friday. State holiday Monday. I think someone was wanting that sweet sweet holiday pay to come in and punch the results button
  6. J

    Oregon mule deer

    I work in the woods on the west side. Seems the last few years I’ve had just as many lion sightings as I’ve had deer and elk sightings. Just about every unit I’ve cut lately I have found lion kills. Lion population is up everywhere.
  7. J

    Oregon mule deer Interested to hear some opinions about this from you fellas
  8. J

    Interesting Idea on NR license fees

    There is not a government employee smart enough to even understand the question you are posing
  9. J

    Spotting scope questions

    Get the maven doubler for your binos. Saves you some weight too. Other than that I would demo a spotter on your trip and save your shekels for the good spotter down the road that you really want. No goat and sheep hunting experience so wtf do I know
  10. J

    2021 New Mexico results

    Awesome thank you.
  11. J

    2021 New Mexico results

    Who reads the fine print? If that’s the case o well. Didn’t have anything else to spend all that stimulus money on so why not swing for the fences and try to draw a tag
  12. J

    Oregon packworks

    Does anyone have any experience with the Oregon packworks pack? I’m leaning towards the “whole shabang”pack myself. They look awesome and I wanna support a company from Oregon being from Oregon.
  13. J

    2021 New Mexico results

    How long does it normally take to get the refund from NM? I’m one of those assholes that applied there for the first time this year, ruined everyone’s odds and didn’t draw anything myself
  14. J

    2021 New Mexico results

    Worst day ever. Unsuccessful in NM