Recent content by FEW

  1. F

    Ithacas "MAN"

    Hey Ithica you still think dipshit Dean is going to be the next president? I am more confident than ever that he is a complete loser. I am voting for Bush and so is everyone else I know, you still have time to change your mind if you pull your head out of your ass pretty quick...
  2. F

    Home sweet home

    Glad you made it back without turning into a popsicle... You gonna post any photos of all them birds you whacked? I really was not expecting to get my ass kicked at quail hunting by a guy that is used to shooting game birds the size of flamingos. Thanks for not making fun of my crappy shooting...
  3. F

    Apparently I made a new friend

    DUDE I hope you sent this guy a pic of the buck you killed?
  4. F

    Poacher will serve 5 years in Fed. pen.

    I think 5 years is a little too light but atleast they got his sorry ass. I hope he gets the extra 10 on the gun charge I think 15 years of ass raping is more along the lines of what he deserves.
  5. F

    President Bush Needs the Gunner!!!

    LMAO Pointer. I was wondering why Jeremy kept coughing up all those "lugies". Gunner I do not comment on many of the issues because I know that I do not have half the information others on the board have (ie I really do not know shit about the dam breaching in Idaho). Sometimes I think it...
  6. F

    President Bush Needs the Gunner!!!

    Yes I do know how you get those letters from Bush, I was just being a smartass... I guess it is hard to tell my posts are pretty sarcastic too. Maybe I just do not hit the smiley button enough. I must have bad cyber-manners. Here ya go I have been making occasional wise cracks about...
  7. F

    Back from WY (long, but a pic)

    Atleast you wiped the milk off his lips before taking the pic. Congrats on another nice buck...
  8. F

    Big bucks management?

    "If you are going to keep that attitude, then stay the hell out of Texas cause we don't want you." I doubt that Buzz will have any problem staying the hell out of Texas.
  9. F

    Just for cjcj

    Fuggin Hilarious Dude.
  10. F

    cattle in a wilderness unit??

    I found a place up in northen AZ where a ranchers lease bordered a wilderness area and the cattle (I assume) broke through the rusty old fence and were grazing and shitting all over the wilderness area. I found what was left behind but did not see the cows in there. I think they may have gone to...
  11. F

    President Bush Needs the Gunner!!!

    Typical whiney democrat. Put all the blame where it will not make you look bad, but offer no realistic way to fix the problem. What a joke, I hope nobody in here takes you seriously. I am still waiting for you to answer questions on the other thread about how "the previous administration"...
  12. F

    Breach dams and lose power?

    Hey Ithica. Your letter seems to be overpowered by all the other whiney, bleeding heart liberal bullshit in that column... Maybe if you had developed some kind of conspiracy theory against Bush they would have put it at the top so it would get more attention?
  13. F

    Study completed on CWD

    Thanks for the info... I guess I have not been reading down here enough.
  14. F

    Study completed on CWD

    I thought they were only able to test animals once they were dead, and had no way to test a living animal? That is just what I read 6 months ago...
  15. F

    Lobster Bites the DUST!

    Awesome Buck!! Congrats.

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