Recent content by BirdManMike

  1. BirdManMike

    Favorite Stillwater Flies?

    Balanced leech and chironomid under a bobber, especially if there is a little chop. Just cast it out and wait. Boring as all get-out, but effective. As this fella I used to know - Kyner - would always say, 'when the bobber goes down, the music goes UP!'. (and the music is always METAL 🤘⚡)
  2. BirdManMike

    Friday Tunes - worthy of more ears

    Anything from one of Blair Shehan's bands, whether its Knapsack (the original), The Jealous Sound, or Raquet Club. Cellophane - mid-90s Katherine the Grateful - late 90's, then and (kind've) now The Jealous Sound - Ought's Racquet Club -...
  3. BirdManMike

    The Rinella Effect

    I cant imagine consuming hunting media in any form. Not Meateater, not Randy (sorry, I know Im on this forum*), not Youtube, not anything - I am unashamed to say I have never watched a single episode of any of this nonsense. Maybe Im a worse hunter because of it (and Im not a good hunter...
  4. BirdManMike

    2020 Sherpa Teardrop Camper

    Not sure exactly what you mean, but I dont think so - its pretty small inside, basically just a bed.
  5. BirdManMike

    2020 Sherpa Teardrop Camper

    This is $8500 now. I’m more serious about selling it — bought something else and now it’s taking up space. It’s going on a bunchve RV sites shortly and might end up over in Bozeman at Bish’s in consignment.
  6. BirdManMike

    Fly Fishing in Slovenia

    Ive been doing this trip on my own with no guides since the mid 2000's. Feel free to PM me.
  7. BirdManMike

    Arbitrary Hunting Goals

    I guess if I had one, my goal would be to take a boomer sage grouse with a wild-trapped prairie falcon.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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